Good Standing

What is Good Standing? Good Standing is part of, and works in conjunction with, the whole school MSL policy and the Department of Education’s Keeping our Workplace Safe initiative. Good Standing is the expected demonstration of positive and respectful behaviours that align with the Ranford Primary Values. All students commence with Good Standing and retain Good Standing while exhibiting these behaviours. All school events, privileges and opportunities are open to those students demonstrating behaviours consistent with Good Standing.

How is Good Standing Maintained?

By demonstrating the school Values in all activities and interactions, students will maintain Good Standing. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain their Good Standing in order to be included in extra-curricular activities and events.

Loss of Good Standing

Loss of Good Standing will occur following a series of behaviours that require intervention and additional support or single more serious breaches of school safety, Values or rules.

At Ranford Primary a reflection and recovery process (Yellow Card) occurs for behaviours that intentionally disregard the school Values. Loss of Good Standing occurs automatically following any form of violence or a suspension.

A suspension will occur, if a student:

  • Starts a fight
  • Makes physical contact with the intent to cause harm to another student or staff member
  • Videos a fight in the grounds of the school or off-site where there is a reasonable nexus between the incident and the school, with the intention of publishing on social media.
  • Engages in behaviour that is a serious breach of respect or safety. Parents/carers will be informed if a student is “at risk” of losing their Good Standing. Loss of Good Standing will involve a discussion with the student and their parent/carer to highlight the issues that led to the loss of Good Standing.

Consequences of Loss of Good Standing

Students who lose their Good Standing will lose the privilege to participate in various events throughout the year such as, but not limited to, excursions, incursions, camps and inter-school events.

Restoring Good Standing

Following a Yellow Card A student will be required to demonstrate appropriate behaviours for a period of time as determined by the severity of the behaviour and as developmentally appropriate.

Following a Suspension

Good Standing will be re-instated once a student is able to maintain expected standards of behaviour for a period of four weeks and following participation in support intervention and reflection processes. During this period, the loss of extra-curricular activities and events will remain. Students will be supported through their time of loss of Good Standing and advised when it is restored.

Note: It is important to note that exceptions to these guidelines and processes may occur if there are extenuating circumstances impacting on a student’s behaviour and well-being.