Motivating Student Learning

A positive school tone and a focus on supporting the individual child to be responsible for their own attitudes and behaviours forms the basis of our approach at Ranford Primary. All aspects of this broad policy aim to maintain a learning environment that is safe, supportive and positive. A consistent whole school approach to motivating student learning (MSL) is dependent upon a number of critical expectations and responsibilities.

 As a community, our expectations of one another are based on our school Values and that everyone – staff, students and parents, will accept their responsibilities for maintaining the positive tone experienced day to day in our school. When our students observe the significant adults in their environment modelling and reinforcing appropriate respectful behaviours at all times, this this has a powerful and positive impact on their social/emotional development.


A high level of engagement in learning programs will provide each child with the optimum opportunity for achieving their potential. The level of engagement in school and learning is also a determining factor in the overall well-being of a child.

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