
Ranford Primary is a local intake school.  An eligible child whose place of residence is within the intake area is guaranteed enrolment in the compulsory years of primary schooling (Pre Primary to Year 6).  Children whose usual place of residence is not in the local intake area require an application for enrolment and are accommodated where possible based on capacity and facilities available after making provision for local intake area needs.

An Application for Enrolment (Link below to editable PDF) should be completed and submitted with a copy of the child's birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of address.  Students born overseas should also present a passport, visa and/or citizenship documentation.  The application and supporting documents can be presented at the school office or sent by email to ranford.ps@education.wa.edu.au

Ranford Primary - Application Information

Ranford Primary - Application for Enrolment

Applications for Kindergarten in 2026 are now open for children born between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 2022.  An Application for Enrolment (Link above to editable PDF) should be completed and submitted with a copy of the child's birth certificate, immunisation certificate and proof of address.  Students born overseas should also present a passport, visa and citizenship documentation. The application and supporting documents can be presented at the school office or sent by email to ranford.ps@education.wa.edu.au  Applications for Kindergarten close on Friday, 25th July 2025.

Applications for Pre Primary in 2026 are open for new students and those currently enrolled in Kindergarten.  Students currently attending Ranford Primary Kindergarten and who live within the local intake area will receive an Enrolment Application from the school office.

Ranford Primary - Local Intake Area Map May 2023.pdf

To determine what year level your child is eligible to enrol in please refer to the School Year Group for Enrolment pdf